Why is it that a lot of us only focus on improving our immune system when we are already sick? We should be prioritizing the prevention of sickness more than just fixing the issue when it has already occurred. The immune system can be a fragile thing if we don’t take care of it on a regular basis. We all want to feel our best and never have to feely crappy, so working on the source of the problem is always my biggest suggestion.

As Performers, we are always running around with plenty of things to worry about, but our health should never be put on the back burner. To be able to wake up for an audition feeling amazing or to perform your role onstage at night, our efforts should be to constantly be building a strong immune system. How can we show off how talented we are when we are feeling awful?

Below are my top habits for preventing illness and maintaining a healthy immune system. These methods can be used to fight off colds, viruses, flus, and much more, while maintaining your Performing career. 


#1 – Hydration

Water is a huge part of how we are even alive. When people tell me they don’t like water, I question how they are even functioning on an everyday basis. A great way of detoxing ourselves of excess bacteria, hormones and toxins is through our bodies natural way of elimination: urine, sweat, and bowel movements. Our body, if given the chance, will heal itself by itself and one of my top suggestions of doing this is through filling up on beneficial liquids. Some of my top suggestions are…

  • Filtered water → Unfiltered water can contain things like Lead, Chlorine, & Floride, which over time can cause serious side effects resulting in a lower immune system.
  • Herbal Teas → Echinacea & Chamomile are anti-inflammatory, support the immune system, and have high levels of antioxidants.
  • Coconut water  → Antiviral & antibacterial, filling the body with natural electrolytes. 
  • Bone Broth → High amounts of collagen and minerals which heal the intestinal lining resulting in a healthier gut/immune system. 

I try to consume as many of these liquids as possible to constantly be detoxing the body. The more of these beverages I can drink, the better off my immune system will be. I feel lighter, less sluggish, and overall brighter. 


#2 – True Rest

Humans are deeply and utterly sleep deprive. It’s no wonder when we are all overworked, overcommitted, distracted, overstimulated, and stressed. Because we focus too much on always doing or consuming, we never get a chance to just stop and listen to what our body needs, which is usually rest.

Our immune system can become compromised when we are not prioritizing  our sleep and relaxation. When we have too much going on, our nervous system becomes frazzled causing an imbalance of hormones in the body (cortisol mostly). Our hormones control most of the immune system and overall bodily functions. Over time, the constant hormone imbalance can cause inflammation and can lower our chances of fighting disease or sickness.

Some ways that I like to calm my body down is through breathing, meditation, and just being silent. I get very overwhelmed by all of the distractions in our life such as emails, phone calls, notifications, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Alexa, radio, podcasts….the list goes on. Sometimes being silent with my thoughts is really all I need. Being in nature can also be super affective for instantly calming down the nervous system. Creating a calm night time routine that encourages rest is also incredibly beneficial. 


  • Comfy clothing
  • Warming beverage
  • Low lighting
  • Limit device time
  • Snuggling loved ones or pets
  • Relaxing spa-like skincare routine
  • Lavender pillow spray
#3 – Herbs & Essential Oils

These ancient methods of healing have been used for thousands of years, yet most people depend on antibiotics to make them better. I 100% believe in the power of plants and try to incorporate them in several different ways on a daily basis. Herbs and essential oils can have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial benefits that can cleanse the body, the air, and surfaces in your home. Whether it’s through my diffuser, veggie capsules, tea, or topically, I can instantly see a difference in how I feel. Some of my favorite DōTerra essential oils for immunity include…

  • OnGuard, a protective blend: clove, cinnamon, wild orange, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils.
  • Oregano: cleansing, purifying, filled with antioxidants.
  • Frankincense: supports healthy nervous and immune system, also cellular function, king of all oils.
  • Copaiba: supports immune, nervous, and digestive systems, also filled with antioxidants

Being a Wellness Advocate for DōTerra allows me to purchase essential oils for a discounted price. If you’re interested in purchasing these oils to support your immune system or any other oils that may benefit your health, send me a message through the contact page on my website. Not all oils can be ingested or used topically without a carrier oil, so looking for the best oil for your personal lifestyle and comfort is key. 

#4 – Nutritious Foods

When it comes to building up the immune system it is best to depend on foods that bring lots of vitamins and minerals to the body. I try to focus on a wide variety of fruits and veggies in my daily diet to ensure that I am getting as many sources of these nutrients as possible. You know how they say eat the rainbow? Well, do it in the form of produce. Different colored produce provide different things for our gut, in turn giving us a wider variety of good bacteria to keep our immune system running strong.

Adopting a mostly plant-based diet has really helped me with keeping healthy. Having my daily dose of greens helps with increasing red blood cells and improving the respiratory system. Blue and purple produce, such a blueberries and beets provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. When it comes to buying quality foods, I make sure to eat organic when at all possible and seasonally to ensure freshness. Changing up what fruits and veggies you consume can help to ensure that your gut and immune system have the bacteria it needs to fight off illnesses.


#5 – Probiotics

The majority of our immune system lives in our gut. If our gut is not healthy, then we are not healthy. In our intestines lives billions of microorganisms that thrive on a healthy diet. When we are sick, we are told by Western culture to take antibiotics to fight the bad bacteria. Unfortunately, that same medication will strip the body of ALL bacteria, including the ones that keep our gut running well. That’s why including probiotics to repopulate the gut with good bacteria is vital, especially after taking medicine. 

One of the ways to do this is through a daily probiotic supplement. When it comes to choosing the amount of live cultures in each pill, I suggest speaking with your doctor about what’s right for you and your needs. In order to maintain my health, I take a probiotic with 15 billion strains of live cultures. If I was struggling with an illness or something like the common cold, I might resort to a 30-50 billion strain pill. 

Another way of intaking good bacteria into the body is through naturally fermented foods. Some of my favorites include…

These foods/drink are filled with the bacteria needed to heal the digestive system and essentially keep us feeling our best. I try to consume at least 1 serving of probiotic foods every day. 


#6 – Sugar, Caffeine & Alcohol

On the same topic of good bacteria and improving the gut, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol can be harmful to the body’s immune system. Sugar changes the microbial make-up of the gut, if consumed on a regular basis. It can also causes chronic inflammation. We all know sugar, in high quantities and eaten repeatedly, can cause many diseases. However, where it all starts is in the gut and our immune system. When our immune system is weak and we aren’t getting a diet rich in fiber, minerals, and. nutrients, we cannot fight off toxins and bad bacteria.

Alcohol is essentially all sugar. So if eating a donut or drinking a beer, they can similar effects on the immune system. The toxic beverage will strip the gut of good bacteria and leave you feeling not your best. I recommend cutting back on all alcohol if trying to build back up your immune system. 

Lastly, excess caffeine can wreak havoc on areas of the body such as the nervous system and the endocrine system (hormones). If over caffeinated, adrenal fatigue can put your immune system in danger of catching illnesses. It can also affect your circadian rhythm and how well you sleep. When we cannot get deep sleep, our body cannot recover and self-heal during the night. 

All three of these items should be avoided as much as possible if trying to fight off illnesses. 


#7 – Immune Boosting Tonics

One of my favorite and more pleasurable ways to boost my immunity is through special concoctions made in the kitchen. There are so many recipes out there of different teas, tonics, and smoothies. I believe they are all beneficial if they include any of these ingredients….

  • Ginger- antioxidant rich
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- fermented, antibacterial
  • Garlic- sulphur containing, purifying
  • Turmeric- anti-inflammatory
  • Lemon- antioxidant, anti-viral
  • Raw honey- antibacterial, anti-viral

However you make your brew, these ingredients can make a huge impact on increasing your immunity. Taking a shot of any of these foods in any form can help to drive away bad bacteria from the gut. 

These are some of my top tips when it comes to staying healthy and keeping your immune system functioning strong. You don’t always need pills and powders to find relief. It can also be found in small lifestyle and nutrition shifts that everyone has access to. 

Which was your favorite? Comment below! 


Staying healthy is so important when it comes to showing up strong in the audition room. Wanna learn more ways to look and feel your best to book your next Dream Role?

Sign up for the Book Your Next Callback Challenge starting on March 22nd. Let’s create a more sustainable Performing Career together. 

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