Hey there, Perfectionist.

Even though you’re a high achiever, still feeling unsatisfied? With sustainable self-love practices for every part of your life, I can help you go from anxiety to abundance.


I’m Jeanna

I used to be a Perfectionist, just like you. As a professional Performer for 10 years, I found out first hand how the high expectations of a lifestyle and career can directly affect my emotional well-being and how I felt about myself. 

This passion for helping women to love themselves came from years of witnessing deep shame around personal failure in, my casts, my friends, and in myself. It doesn’t help that our world is always telling us how we aren’t enough just the way we are. 

I am a certified Health Coach who helps Perfectionist women to love themselves authentically with healthy & sustainable lifestyle changes. 

My experience in both coaching and performing gives me the expertise to guide women on their journeys toward deep self-love so that they can start living into their full potential. 

What would your life be like if you weren’t afraid of failure?

What you’ll find here…

1:1 Coaching

Virtual coaching sessions with yours truly guided by YOU. You’ll receive tips, accountability, and resources catered to the areas of your life that need the most focus. 

Free Resources

Content I’ve created just for your Self-Love journey, completely free. 

Inspiring Content

Here I share all of my discoveries, personal stories, recipes, tips, and recommendations I’ve gained as a Self-Love & Perfectionism Coach. 

Be a part of our Community


Looking for an online space to support your self-love journey? Over in the Self-Love Sisterhood FB Group, we are all about building each other up, recognizing our wins, and sharing holistic wellness tips to keep us motivated.

Does this sound like something you could jive with?


 I have struggled with my mentality towards food and Jeanna totally helped me change my attitude towards nutrition for weight but also for skin, mood, energy level, and my specific body type which is unique and beautiful. She’s helped my warped idea that I need to stuff myself with salad and water into a kind and self-care system of viewing what I put into my body. Jeanna is good at strategizing and organizing while also being open-minded and gracious. Most specifically, I think women in the arts would really benefit from her specific care towards the crazy lifestyle we live.

Becca A.

Jeanna is kind, encouraging, supportive, informative, and inspirational! I enjoyed the fact that she was able to alter the program to suit my needs. The focus on self-love and self-care was so important and helpful. I have learned that health is not just about working out and eating healthily. It is a combination of so many other things including spirituality, social life, career, education, and relationships. If you really focus on creating joy from the inside out, your body will reflect that.

Jenna D.

I would recommend Jeanna to anyone looking to actively work with someone to make improvements in their overall health. Those who are looking to make a real change towards a self-sustaining future, with the perfect cheerleader by their side. She guided me in an open discussion towards active decision-making to create a much more well-rounded approach to living a balanced life. She genuinely cares for the life success of others and loves sharing her passion for self-improvement with everyone.

Nicole R.

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